Rabu, 15 Juli 2009

Who’s the actor behind shooting incident in Papua

Shooting incident was occurred July 11 2009 and killed a Australian’s mining expert Drew Nicholas Grant , Freeport security guard, identified as Markus Rattealo and and a police officer assigned to secure the company Second Brig, Marsom Patipea, make Papua as a mysterious island. An investigation is now underway for the killing of an expatriate employee, a local security guard for the American mining company PT Freeport Indonesia and a police officer. The military has reportedly rounded up a number of people associated with a separatist rebel movement, although officials admitted that they could not have been anywhere near the incident to have been able to conduct the shooting.

The incident took place near the Mile 51 area where seven Freeport employees, including two Americans who taught at a Timika school, were killed in 2002. Although some local Papuans have been sentenced to jail for this ambush killing, the case has not been resolved fully with many questions remaining unanswered to this day.

It is questionable whether the low level intensity of guerilla warfare by the Free Papua Movement (OPM) justifies the strong military presence in the area. If anything, the tight security measures imposed are at the expense of greater transparency. The tight security blanket confirms the suspicion of many international human rights groups that the government is hiding something.

Others speculate that the tensions and conflicts in Papua are a manifestation of the rivalries and interests of different government agencies in Jakarta, including the police, the military and the business world. Whether this is true or not is no longer relevant because that image has been implanted firmly thanks to the government’s own policy.

A more open and transparent policy in Papua, even with its consequences to the security situation, is by far still the better option to pursue. Let’s hope the investigation of the latest shooting will be conducted in that spirit, for the sake of establishing justice for the victims, but more importantly for justice of the
people of Papua

Source : The Jakarta Post | Tue, 07/14/2009 9:40 AM | Opinion

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