Minggu, 26 Juli 2009

The benefits of conflict in West Papua for Benny Wenda

It is very interesting how the benefits of conflict may also take on different forms as follow: Economic profits Political power Psychological pleasure

A trustful sources from Oxford shared a shocking information about how Benny Wenda took a lot of benefits from false story about conflict in West Papua.
o Economic profits can be exploited by Benny Wenda by sucking British Taxpayer Money through his claim as an asylum seeker. Living in UK is very difficult, so there is no other way than maintaining conflict in West Papua. Furthermore, after several years enjoying free lunch from British Taxpayer money, Benny Wenda can not afford to loose the opportunity of raising his children in UK. Through the illicit fund raising by telling lies to British citizen, Benny Wenda successfully transform his mask from an asylum seeker pretender to a self exile leader of Papuan people in UK. He also equivocates to British Parliamentarians about the latest situation in West Papua, so he can control British Parliamentarians as his supporters.
o Political power. The self claim Papuan Leader Benny Wenda is a great pretender by playing innocent handsome cunning face. By doing so, British people feel pity and favour him as a victim of the most demonic government of Indonesia. Benny Wenda cleverly creates a justification for help because of Indonesian political repression.
o Psychological pleasure. The world can read clearly the intention and ambition of Benny Wenda as the future President of West Papua. It is more to conflict’s most perverse benefits, which can translate into a feeling of superiority and a messianic certitude regarding one’s actions.Here is the innocent face of liar who proclaim himself as the only Papuan leader who care about the future of West Papua.

The more democratic Indonesia, the more Benny Wenda affraid of loosing his grip in UK. That is why he is not patient enough to see the dynamic of democratization in Indonesia and West Papua. By seeing more and more Papuan involve in the local autonomy government, he is panic so he pushes the creation of International Parliamentarians for West Papua and soon the International Lawyers for West Papua in order the increase the tension in West Papua. It seems that Benny Wenda achieves a success, so he can save his ass temporarily. No matter how cunning Benny Wenda is, someday British citizens especially those who live in Oxford, Essex, Exeter and London will realize that Benny Wenda is true liar.

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